Consider a Gift to Our Parish
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Your donation will be processed through PayPal, a secure, online payment gateway. PayPal accepts variety of credit cards and will provide you with a receipt. All donations are tax-deductible, so please save your receipt for your records. Thank you!
Proverbs 11 reminds us of the importance of giving. "One gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor. A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
St. John the Confessor Orthodox Christian Church gratefully accepts special donations—anonymous or otherwise, in any amount—for particular items we need for the church. Whereas some items, such as chalices, last almost indefinitely, other items, such as altar boy vestments, wear out after a few years.
You may give an unrestricted gift of any amount and Fr. John will allocate it where it is most needed. Alternatively, you may discuss with Fr. John the items and supplies that we need most and give an earmarked gift by writing the name of the item or supply on your donation envelope.
If you would like some inspiration, we purchase most of our liturgical supplies from Alpha Omega.
Donations do not always have to be monetary. Like all 501(c)3 non-profits, St. John the Confessor Orthodox Church is always grateful for donations of time and donations in kind.
An updated list of tasks and to-dos is available on Sign-Up Genius, and we encourage all parish members and friends to lend a hand in any way you can.
Thank you and God Bless!